According to the National Institute of Mental Health , 74% of Americans dread talking in front of an audience. Public Speaking expert Dan Roam says its time to shake the angst. He says that those able to stand in front of a room of people and speak are the same people who get the bonuses […]
Meditation Can Improve Public Speaking Skills
Public speaking is an essential skill for people looking to advance in their professional careers, but public speaking also ranks among the top fears of most Americans. For many people, however, the issue they have with public speaking starts with the thoughts they have directly before or during a presentation. In most cases, the most […]
Good Public Speaking Skills are Essential in the Workplace
Good public speaking skills are an essential part of achieving career goals and increasing success in the workplace. Improving your public speaking skills also improves your interpersonal communication abilities. Being able to communicate your knowledge of a field, ideas, and objectives to co-workers, clients, management, and larger groups is necessary to complete projects and progress […]
Public Speaking: Practice Makes Perfect
Public speaking is a personal stressor for countless numbers of people. The fear of looking unprepared or unprofessional is often a source of anxiety, whether someone is presenting a project in high school or attempting to sell “the next big thing” to the head of a corporation. The only way to improve public speaking ability […]
Grammy award winners offer great tips for public speaking
If you happened to catch the Grammys last night then you may have noticed some great examples of public speaking. According to an article, the first tip noted at the Grammys is to “Thank the people on the ground floor.” Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, winners for Best New Artist, exemplified this by extending their utmost […]
Think you’re the only one with a fear of public speaking?
Public speaking is the last thing most people want to do. For others, they embrace the spotlight and have a true knack for getting people to believe in what they are saying. According to a recent article in the New York Daily News, New York City’s mayor-elect Bill de Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray, suffers from […]
Great Public Speaking Tips
I write a lot about public speaking, but I find that it is an art in itself and not many people take it as seriously as they should. Having the ability to captivate your audience is a remarkable feeling. I recently came across an article on Business Insider that provides some helpful tips to be the […]
How to Look Confident While Speaking Publicly
Many people are afraid of speaking publicly. This fear can be felt in over 75% of adults and for a lot of people it is a dreadful feeling. A recent article in the Huffington Post talks about five tips that could help you feel more confident when speaking publicly. The first tip is to get people […]
Deblasio’s Tale of Two New York’s Is Not New, But It’s Working
Déjà vu. It’s almost scary how close this race for mayor is shaping up as a repeat of the past. Been there, done that. However, at the end of the day, it was a disaster for Democrats. The year was 2001. The Democratic field for mayor was crowded then, as it is now. In 2001, […]
Foster Care Agencies Are to be Commended for What They Do, Day In Day Out
Proud, Happy, Humbled, Energized, and Thankful. All because of a Foster Care Agency Conference. To say that I was honored to be the Keynote Speaker at the first Annual Foster Care Conference for a prominent organization titled PATH-Idaho would be the understatement of the year. In Boise, on a picture-perfect weather day with the scenic […]