Bloomberg the Presidential Candidate? Dominic Carter attended a reception Monday night with Bloomberg on Manhattan’s upper East side in New York. (October 8th) Bloomberg has changed his party registration back to being a Democrat. Dominic also had the great pleasure of discussing Bloomberg on radio station AM 970 The Answer, with host Jeannie Zaino. A […]
The original 3 person political unit of #NY1News. 25 years ago, the three of us, (as journalists) changed forever the way politics are covered in New York. We made politics relevant for the entire city, and more interesting than ever. Melissa Russo now of WNBC-TV, Andrew Kirtzman, and myself. (Dominic Carter) We ran into each other […]
Wave of the Future – Our Young People
This is a story that Dominic Carter recently did on our young people. Click here to see it.
Child Abuse Conference
The South Carolina Joint Council on Children and Adolescents was one of the sponsors of the conference Dominic Carter was the keynote at, held June 14th, 2018 in Columbia. Dominic received a standing ovation, and you can click here to see some of the photos. Dominic salutes the goals of the council, which reads: The […]
Connecticut & Hudson Link
[embedyt][/embedyt] Within the last month, Dominic Carter had a wonderful time as the keynote in Connecticut for the St. Joseph’s Parenting Center in Stamford, Connecticut and as the emcee for the annual Hudson Link fundraiser in Midtown Manhattan, New York. Up next for Dominic delivering keynotes, the Great State of South Carolina in June.
Each One, Teach One
[embedyt][/embedyt] This email just touched Dominic’s heart. A young man read his book, “No Momma’s Boy,” and decided to follow in Dominic’s footsteps and attend the same college Dominic did. I wanted to let you know that Jordan has finally decided to attend SUNY Cortland. It has been a tough choice but Howard University […]
Fairleigh Dickinson EOF
[embedyt][/embedyt] Fairleigh Dickinson University welcomes Dominic Carter. The photos above tell the entire story of the great event. Dominic addressed students that are part of Dickinson’s EOF program. The director is a long-time amazing educator Majorie Hall. Dominic strongly believes in “Each One, Teach One.” Just days before, Dominic Carter spoke to young people […]
Dominic on WABC Today
So…following his surgery Curtis Sliwa is back today. (Monday. Jan 8th) noon-3 pm Eastern, on 770 WABC radio in the NY Tri-state area. I’m honored to be with Curtis on the air Monday AND Tuesday. Best #TalkRadio in New York. You heard! 770 AM. You can listen from around the country. Click Here. Meanwhile […]
Way to go Chef Ortiz
Great American Story of Mr. Candido Ortiz. (click here)
Epilepsy and Disabilities
Dominic Carter Jr has had to fight all his life for what most take for granted. Their health. This is about living with Epilepsy and a learning disability. Click here to see, and find out about Dominic’s Life.