There were over a thousand entries, and up for the Best Anchor/Reporter Award for the largest TV market, Dominic Carter won second place. An award he accepted in Saratoga Springs New York with honor, as Dominic’s TV Journalist daughter was with him. (Courtney Carter) Dominic said I love you New York, and thank you @_CourtneyNews […]
Journalist Courtney Carter
CONGRATS to our baby girl on the new TV Job. My daughter Courtney Carter is moving UP more than 30 TV markets from Syracuse to Providence. I want to thank the #NY1 family #Spectrumnews for hiring Courtney, and believing in her.
Dominic Carter Award
We won 1st place for our live coverage of the corruption trial of former Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano. Anchor/Reporter Dominic Carter. The two other reporters on this were OUTSTANDING, CECILIA DOWD and LAUREN DEFRANCO. Thank you to the French family, and Verizon FiOS 1 News.
SING SING Maximum Security Prison
This week Anchor/Reporter Dominic Carter traveled to SING SING Maximum Security Prison in Ossining, New York for the Hudson Link College Graduation. A highly successful program.
Parole in New Jersey is National Model
Parole Reform in New Jersey is Getting Results. National Recidivism rate of Inmates returning back to prison after release is 67.8 percent. Delaware is 70 % but in NJ it’s less than half at 31 percent. This is the story Dominic Carter did.
Was it a Choke Hold.
One-On-One with PBA President Pat Lynch. With TV Journalist Anchor/Reporter Dominic Carter Pat Lynch talks about the death of Eric Garner, and what he feels should happen to Officer Daniel Pantaleo. Other topics, the parole of cop killers, to his thoughts on NYC Mayor de Blasio running for president. ALSO, Join Dominic Carter MONDAY (Memorial […]
Dominic Carter Award
Dominic Carter received the “Live On-Scene Reporting -” award from the New York State Broadcasters Association. Thank you for the Award. Up next Dominic Carter is up for an AP award for best newscaster of the year. #broadcastingaward #tvnews #journalism #politicalanchorandreporterdominiccarter
9/11 — Two Decades later. The Toxic Dust continues to kill
The children of those heroes are now adults themselves. Their stories are just heartbreaking. The initial 9/11 attacks didn’t kill Firefighter Gormley, but the cancer from the 9/11 air did. Years Later “So my father, he responded on 911, shortly after the collapse, and then he was diagnosed with bladder cancer in Dec of 2017, and […]
The OPIOID Crisis? The View from Cardinal William Tobin
The NJ Reentry Corporation held it’s annual conference at St. Peter’s University in Jersey City, New Jersey. It was a day of roundtable discussions and speeches…..all about addiction, recovery and prisoner re-entry services. Cardinal William Tobin of the Newark Archdiocese knows about the human element of addiction and prison. The Cardinal visits correctional facilities quite a bit. ”This […]
House Dems Vs Trump – YouTube
Since House Democrats took the gable in January, they have been battling the president on a number of issues. House Judiciary Committee Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, who is also chair of the House Democratic Caucus, speaks to RFL Political Reporter Dominic Carter about the battle.